Psychology & Leadership
You are longing for a change. The change in yourself, to make things possible again, to renew your old rusty habits,to deepdive into withholding patterns, to make new choices. You would like to have sincere conversations about who you are and have become, where to renew and where to accept. As a professionals or as a leader. As a leader: What makes you attractive in your role as a leader? What makes it worth while for others to follow your leadership? There are no easy answers to these questions. As a professional you also have to deal with the big questions like Who are you and what are your patterns? Where would you like to create some space for new answers to perhaps recurrent questions. Coaching for the sake of yourself, others, the organisation and maybe even the world at large!
The search for the answers is the core of my business: the dynamics between leading and following, between the conscious and the subconscious, and the tension between the interest of the individual and the interest of the organization.
I have been offering leadership development support for 25 years. I do not offer ready-made solutions; what my clients come away with is insight into and enrichment of their own repertoire. To achieve this, I coach individuals, train teams, develop extraordinary concepts for leadership, and design personal development workshops and courses. I operate in the Netherlands and abroad; I work with large companies or individuals, in-company and at special locations.